16 point Awards
- 1 point for comment on a post 1 time
- 1 point for register to website
- 1 point for log in to website 1 time
- 5 points for publish an activity post 1 time
- 1 point for start following someone 1 time
- 10 points for get a follower 1 time
- 25 points for publish a document in an activity post 1 time
- 50 points for complete the 100% of your profile
- 1 point for earn any reward of a specific calendar 1 time (limited to 1 per day)
- 1 point for publish an activity post 1 time
- 5 points for publish an image in an activity post 1 time
- 10 points for publish a video in an activity post 1 time
- 1 point for reply to a topic 1 time
- 1 point for activated account 1 time
- 1 point for get a reply in a topic 1 time
- 1 point for reply to an activity post 1 time